Surya Teja-324
- Medium tall (160 – 180 cm), mono-column plants.
- Large, convex and semi-inclined heads with good seed (central) filling.
- Medium maturity (100 – 105) hybrid
- Black thin hull with light gray strips
- High oil content (> 42%)
- Suitable for kharif and rabi cultivation.
- Wider adaptability and suitable for all types of soils & agro climatic conditions.
- Short (140 – 160 cm) height and mono-columned plants.
- Big, flat and droopy heads with very good seed (central) filling.
- Mid-early maturity (90 – 95 days) hybrid
- Jet black thin hull (no strips)
- High oil content (> 40%)
- Suitable for kharif and rabi cultivation.
- Wider adaptability and suitable for all types of soils & agro climatic conditions.